
A dashboard for Laravel applications

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Crud classes are the base of the dashboard, and the only thing that is required in order to have a working dashboard.


The crud actions are the actions that are available for the model. By default, these actions are:

  • Index action: the index action registers the index route which shows a paginated overview of all model objects.
  • Trashed action: the trashed action registers the trashed index route which shows a paginated overview of all soft deleted model objects.
  • Show action: the show action registers the show route which shows a detailed page of a single model.
  • Create action: the create action registers the create and store routes for creating and storing a new model object.
  • Edit action: the edit action registers the edit and update routes for editing and updating a model object.
  • Destroy action: the destroy action registers the destroy route which deletes a model object.
  • Destroy hard action: the destroy hard action registers the destroy hard route which permanently deletes soft deleted model objects.

By default, the dashboard uses all actions except the trashed and destroy hard actions, which are only registered if the model uses the Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes trait. You may overwrite this behavior by defining a actions method in your crud class which returns an array of all available actions.


use Davesweb\Dashboard\Services\Crud;

class MyCrud extends Crud
    public function actions(): array
        return [

The Crud class automatically registers a menu item in the sidebar that links to the index route of the crud. If your crud also has a trashed route it registers a dropdown menu with a link to both the index route, and the trashed route. By default, the crud registers the link(s) to the top menu in the sidebar.

The icon that is used for the menu item is the item that is provided by the icon method.

You may overwrite this behaviour and register your own links by overwriting the registerMenu method. This method receives a Davesweb\Dashboard\Layout\Sidebar\Sidebar instance for you to register menu’s and links. For more information about how to use this Sidebar class, see the documentation about the sidebar.




The index method of a Crud class defines what the overview of models looks like, and optionally also the overview of trashed models, and the detail view. It is required to implement this method in your Crud class.

The method receives a Davesweb\Dashboard\Services\Table object which you can use to configure the views.


use Davesweb\Dashboard\Services\Crud;
use Davesweb\Dashboard\Services\Table;

class MyCrud extends Crud
    public function index(Table $table): void
        // Configure the table view

Normal column

To add a column to the view, use the $table->column() method. This method returns a Davesweb\Dashboard\Services\Table\Column object. You can add most of the details to the method itself, or configure the object the method returns.

Action column

The action column is the column that holds the actions a user can perform on the model, like viewing details or editing the model. You can define your own actions by calling $table->actionColumn() and passing along an array of Davesweb\Dashboard\Services\Table\Action actions.

You can also call $table->defaultActionsColumn() and the table will automatically generate the actions for the model based on the actions configured in the Crud class and on the current request.


The trashed method of a Crud class defines what the overview of soft deleted models looks like. It is not required to implement this method in your own crud classes. If your crud class has a trashed route and this method isn’t implemented it uses the configuration from the index method instead.

This method works in the same way as the index method.


The show method of a Crud class defines what the detail view of a single model looks like. It is not required to implement this method in your own crud classes. If this method isn’t implemented it uses the configuration from the index method instead.

This method works in the same way as the index method.