
A dashboard for Laravel applications

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Davesweb dashboard comes with built in support for our translation package davesweb/laravel-translations. The documentation of which is available on Github.

Other translation packages

You can use any translation method or package that you like. If you use a different method or package than davesweb/laravel-translations, simply create a custom translator in your app that knows how to translate model properties. You can do so by creating a class that implements Davesweb\Dashboard\Contracts\TranslatesModelAttributes and telling the dashboard to use that translator by setting it in the dashboard.php config file.


return [
     * The translator to use for translating model attributes.
    'translator' => \Your\Custom\Translator::class,

The TranslatesModelAttributes interface has two methods; translate and search.


This method should return the translation of the requested attribute on the given model in the requested locale. The attribute can also be a \Closure, and in that case the method should call the closure with the $model as the first argument and the $locale as the second argument like this: call_user_func($attribute, $model, $locale).

This method should perform a search query on the given field, in the given locale with the given searchQuery. The search should be performed on the Builder object given. Once the search is added to the Builder object, the Builder object should be returned.

Available translations

Todo: use HtmlString for these icons as well

The available translations must be defined in the app.php config file in the following format:


return [
    'available_locales' => [
        'nl' => [
            'icon' => 'flag-icon flag-icon-nl',
            'name' => 'Nederlands',
        'en' => [
            'icon' => 'flag-icon flag-icon-en',
            'name' => 'English',
        'de' => [
            'icon' => 'flag-icon flag-icon-de',
            'name' => 'Deutsch',

There must also be a default locale defined in the same config file:


return [
    'default_locale' => 'nl',